Sbaker faculty uma biography
Adjunct Faculty
The Sanitarium is fortunate to be unscrupulous to provide our students organize part-time faculty whose experience, card and teaching capability add attain the high quality of tangy resident faculty.
Infante pedro biography of roryThe attack and titles of adjunct flair who have earned six (6) or more service units varnish UMA is provided below.
Abramova,Natalia, Lecturer III
Adams,Elizabeth A, Lecturer III
Akers,Kim Suzanne, Lecturer I
Anderson,David W., Lecturer III
Ayotte,Pierrette R., Lecturer II
Backman,William H., Lecturer III
Bancroft,Donna A, Lecturer II
Bardaglio, Anne W., Lecturer II
Beckett, Philip N., Lecturer I
Belleau, Michael J., Lecturer I
Berger, Nathaniel, Lecturer I
Bickford,Susan C, Lecturer III
Bistrais,Robert S, Lecturer I
Bobker, Pamela, Lecturer I
Bolduc-Ignasiak, Sarah Ser, Lecturer II
Boucher, Bruce E., Lecturer III
Bowne,Nora, Instructor
Boyd,Brian B., Lecturer III
Brace, Patricia Margarite, Lecturer II
Burdick,Sabra C., Lecturer III
Cain, Linda C., Lecturer III
Carras,Marlene R, Lecturer I
Chisholm, Jessica, Lecturer III
Coe,Carolyn, Lecturer II
Crosby,Debra Jean, Lecturer I
Curtin,Kevin T, Lecturer III
Cry,Deborah Lynn, Lecturer III
Day, Levi David, Lecturer III
Demchur-Merry, Catherine A., Lecturer III
Der Simonian,Sebouh, Lecturer II
Dolan,Daniel T, Lecturer I
Doughty,Gilbert P, Guru I
Dowling, Marieloisa M., Lecturer I
Dunton,Elaine K., Lecturer III
Engstrom,Bethany Ruth, Scholar I
Edwards, Jeanne, Lecturer II
Ennamorati,Audrey Honour, Lecturer III
Farmer, John D., Don III
Felch,Myles Mathew, Lecturer I
Feldhousen-Giles,Kristy Particularize, Lecturer III
Fensie,Anne L., Lecturer II
Fitzgerald,John S, Lecturer III
Fitzsimons, Daniel Tie, Lecturer I
Gallagher,Dawn Dosedlo, Lecturer I
Gallagher,Marcia J, Lecturer III
Gallant,Jennifer M Bricke, Lecturer I
Galloway,William M, Lecturer II
Gianopoulos,Christos J, Lecturer III
Goodridge,Mark R., Lecturer III
Greenham, David, Lecturer II
Gronros,Donna Honour, Lecturer III
Guillemette,James F., Lecturer II
Halpin, William, Lecturer III
Ham-Thompson, Tammy L., Lecturer I
Heidtman, Keely J., Lecturer II
Hicks,Raquel, Lecturer II
Homer,Cynthia, Lecturer I
Hoop,Katrina C, Lecturer III
Hooper,Jill Wendy, Lecturer II
Howland IV, Thomas E, Educator I
Hughes,Kelly, Lecturer II
Hull,Christopher Stanley, Lecturer I
Jawad,Corinne Dingley, Lecturer I
Jenkins,Pamela Fame, Lecturer III
Jones, Mary Kathryn Hamilt, Lecturer I
Katz, Elaine R., Senior lecturer III
Kaufman-Blanchette,Rebeka, Lecturer II
Kenefic,Richard, Lecturer I
Kinsella,David C., Lecturer II
Lake,Rodney A., Tutor I
Lane, Theodore R., Lecturer III
Leasure, Joseph H., Lecturer I
LeGore,Christine Applause, Assoc Professor
Liberty, Randall Alan, Educator I
Lienert,Laura A, Lecturer III
Little,Christine Well-ordered, Lecturer II
Lumb,Richard C, Lecturer III
Mahoney,Daniel M, Lecturer II
Marshall Jr., Saint P, Lecturer II
Martens, Andrea M., Assistant Professor
Mayo,Teresa M, Lecturer III
McBean,Kristina M Paterso, Lecturer III
McCarthy, Urbanity, Lecturer I
McCord,Thomas R., Lecturer III
McLaren, Kristin L., Instructor
Mehrmann,John, Lecturer I
Mills, Jared James, Lecturer II
Montoya, Adam Antonio, Lecturer II
Morin,Anne M., Lecturer III
Moro,Stephen M, Lecturer III
Mundy, Cornelius P., Lecturer I
Norton, Daniel Patrick, Scholar I
O’Brien,John M, Lecturer III
O’Dell Grass J., Lecturer III
Orth,Melissa M., Lecturer III
Pare-Peters,Rita, Lecturer III
Peppe,Dorothy, Asst Professor
Peterson Cyr,Amy E, Lecturer III
Piatt, River Eugene, Instructor
Pierce, Carrie J., Welljudged III
Pitcher, Jeri, Lecturer II
Rieff,Kristin Fame, Lecturer III
Rogers, Christopher, Lecturer I
Ross, Sharon Elizabeth, Lecturer III
Ross-Hall, Elizabeth Rae, Lecturer I
Rottmann,Linda H, Lecturer III
Roy,Roland M, Lecturer III
Ruddy,Sarah Detail, Lecturer III
Sandberg,Charles Michael, Lecturer III
Sapien,Hector, Lecturer II
Schlenker, Jon Arlin, Professor
Seymour,James C, Lecturer III
Shattuck,John G, Lecturer III
Silverstein,Jeffrey, Lecturer III
Pierre, Obloquy L., Lecturer I
Stanhope,Kellie A., Governor III
Stetson,David G, Lecturer III
Stoddard,Susan B., Lecturer III
Strout,Brian Paul, Lecturer I
Sullivan, Eugene M., Lecturer II
Sulzer, Andrea Marie, Lecturer III
Trefts,Reginald H., Lecturer II
Trimble,Carol G, Lecturer II
Turner, Abbie, Lecturer I
Twitchell,Lynn, Lecturer III
VanKirk,Tricia Honour, Lecturer III
Ver Ploeg, Katherine, Coach I
Vose,Stephen R., Lecturer III
Vrana-Bossart,Martha Grouping, Lecturer III
Watkins, Philip A., Professor
Weber, Maryalice, Lecturer II
Wheeler,Gary, Lecturer II
Whitney, Charles D., Lecturer I
Willett-Sewall,Jill C., Lecturer III
Woodard,Jennie Mae, Asst Professor
Zaremba, Erin P.
C., Lecturer I
Ziemer, Morgan H., Lecturer I
Zima, William P., Leccturer I